Thursday, November 6, 2008

Meet High On Craft!

Name: Tanya

Store Name: High On Craft

What Made You Chose Your Shop Name: I find crafting to be extremely addictive and I get such a high when I make something.

Date Shop Opened: March 2, 2008

What You Sell: Original artwork, prints, greeting cards, CUDDLEWEE™ dolls, rag quilts, zip pouches etc.

What Made You Want To Start: I was making so many things that I needed a way to get them out of my house and cover the cost of my supplies. Plus I wanted my best friend to stop badgering me about opening a shop.

Your Store in One Word or Phrase: Cute.


Unknown said...

YAY! High on craft! WTG! Lovely feature on Capital Crafters. Nice to meet you btw.

Tina said...

Great blog feature! HighonCraft has a very cute Etsy shop! I love the cuddlewee babies!