Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meet Loopy 4 Ewe!

Store Name: Loopy 4 Ewe

What Made You Chose Your Shop Name: My husband and I bounced names around and then I got some friends involved. I'm not sure how we landed on the actual "Loopy 4 Ewe" except that my hubby came up with the Loopy part. It was certainly a creative collaboration

Date Shop Opened: Feb 2007

What You Sell: I've been making things forever. One day there was an ad in a local directory asking if someone could make a baby gift for them.

What Made You Want To Start: I'm a stay at home Mom. My oldest has life threatening food allergies so we knew I'd be home for awhile so we'd be able to cater to her as much as possible. The idea of doing something I love, getting paid for it and staying at home with my kids is ideal.

Your Store in One Word or Phrase: Cute, fun and practical.

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