Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Great Sunday for a Treasury!

I managed to snag another treasury last night and really wanted to share it with you! I featured items from sellers on my Etsy teams: EFA, CASTTEAM and Capital Crafters. Please check it out and be sure to comment and click on the items to see more from these fantastic sellers!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A New Treasury!

Click on the image above to go to the treasury and see these talented artists up close! Featured are artists from Capital Crafters, CASTTEAM and EFA Etsy For Animals.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Meet ReglyCreation!

What Made You Chose Your Shop Name: its from my first ever email address that i opened back in 1996 and still its my primary one. Just added Creation to the end. Pretty simple, huh? :)

Date Shop Opened: Jan 25 2008

What You Sell: I sell romantic felted and crocheted accessories with with occasional knitted items. Love fiber, yarn and beads

What Made You Want To Start: its been my hobby for a long time and i started by just making some gifts for my friends and family until the addiction progressed and i found myself with cpl of boxes full of stuff in my closet. I thought why not try to sell them...and i started!

Your Store in One Word or Phrase: Romantic and feminine accessories